Welcome to the Name Badge Program!

Order your name badge and we'll ship it directly to you. Be sure to include your FOAPAL string number and your department name.

Username: 17286
Password: dayton

When ordering badges, be sure to enter the information exactly as you want it to appear (case included).

You can choose either a magnet backer or a pin backer for the name badge. You will see a drop down box under the names that will allow you to select your attachment.

When all personalizations have been entered, click “review order”, and this will take you to the shipping information screen.

Your default shipping address will automatically be selected. If you wish to change that address, simply click on the drop down box and choose “other”. Your default shipping method is US mail. Do not change the shipping method.

To view details of the order, click on the magnifying glass at the right hand side of the transaction page.


Email Magon at mworks@omni.cc